Award Winning New York Business & Divorce Attorneys

Trust our team of expert attorneys in Manhattan and Brooklyn to help win your case.


Just because your spouse owns a business does not mean he or she will necessarily get to keep all of it. You gave likely contributed to the success of the business during your marriage, especially if you are a partner. If you are concerned about what will happen to your spouse’s business when you divorce, let Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C.take a look at your case. We have represented spouses of business owners before, helping them get the assets they deserve.


You need the guidance of a lawyer who has experience representing spouses of business owners, especially if you have invested several years in both the marriage and the company. You need to ensure that you continue to reap the benefits of the business, since these should not stop just because you are facing divorce.
Your quality of life can likely stay the same or even increase after divorce, since you should be entitled to the same benefits you have been receiving all this time. Your spouse cannot simply take the business -and its profits – and leave you with nothing to show for your commitment to the company. Since a business usually counts as both an asset and a stream of income, you should be offered at least part of it.


Our legal team can perform the research necessary to determine the value of the business. We consult with experts to make sure the results are accurate so that you get as much as you can out of the business. You deserve to profit from it just as much as your spouse does, especially if you are raising children. Divorce should not take away this type of asset, and it certainly should not eliminate your income.
Depending on the nature of the business, and how much money it generates, it should be considered both an asset and a source of income. This means that its value can greatly affect the amount of child support or alimony you receive. For this reason, it is crucial that the business value is accurate. If you believe an error has been made, let us know so we can look into the matter before you lose money that is rightfully yours.


We realize the tremendous effect your spouse’s business has on your family. We know that divorce does not put a stop to this, which is why we pay attention to every detail when it comes to valuing and dividing the business. If you have recently filed for divorce and realize you need a lawyer who knows how to handle businesses, contact us today.
If you already have a divorce lawyer, and are not seeing the results you want, we encourage you to give us a call. You owe it to yourself and your family to switch lawyers if you do not believe your current attorney is able to achieve the outcome you need. You cannot leave the fate of the business – and your income – to just anyone.
If you have concerns with how your current lawyer is handling the issue of your spouse’s business, make an appointment to see our legal team. We will make sure you feel comfortable leaving your case in our experienced hands. You deserve to be able to keep the lifestyle you are used to, even after you divorce the business owner, since you likely contributed to the business in some way throughout the marriage. Call us today to talk.

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