Divorce In Staten Island

While the rest of the state was revealed by New York’s Office of Court Administration to be declining in the number of divorces filed in the past year, the Staten Island rates have increased at least two percent. However, the reason for the rest of the state’s statistical decline is theorized to have far more to do with people not getting married, than staying together. This article will examine the divorce culture in Staten Island as well as the social triggers that may be partly responsible for the numbers that are being experienced in this region.

Home Values

According to Zillow, the average home value in Staten Island is $520,500, which has risen fourteen percent in the last year alone. While high home values aren’t exactly a reason for divorce, the fact that home values are the highest they’ve been in nearly a decade might convince couples who are on the fence that this is a mutually beneficial time to split their assets. For those who are hoping to have a mutually quick and painless divorce, the real estate boom is a good excuse to officially pull the plug. That way, neither party loses out when the assets are split.

Common Occupations

Staten Island has a large middle class and is known as the state’s wealthiest zip code. Yet, that isn’t such a big surprise, since a little over twenty-two percent of the borough’s inhabitants are employed by the government, according to the latest census report. While this is a high-paying area, having an occupation of that stature often makes it difficult for couples to get along. Government jobs are usually accompanied by a high amount of stress, which, even in a time of prosperity, can lead to marital problems, which have a high chance of ending in divorce.

Protecting Assets

When you are getting married, the last thing you want to think about is getting divorced or having to protect your assets from the person you plan to share the rest of your life with. However, unfortunately, with the rate of divorce on the incline in this affluent borough, if you live in Staten Island, it’s a good idea to be safe. So, here are two ways that you and your significant other can successfully protect your assets:

  • Drawing Up a Prenuptial AgreementTaking this step can save a lot of hassle if the marriage is unsuccessful and will award both spouses with peace of mind, that they won’t be taken advantage of if the marriage does end in divorce.
  • Update Last Will and TestamentDivorce is difficult for everyone and remember to make all the necessary changes to your affairs can be overwhelming. However, if divorce does come to pass, you don’t want your family to be left out of what they’re entitled to because you forgot to change your Will.

Hire a Brooklyn Divorce Attorney

To close, while divorce in Staten Island is on the rise, contempt and years of litigation don’t have to be. You have the choice to have a clean and simple divorce. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in New York, especially Staten Island, contact Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. today.

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