How to Tell Your Spouse That You Want a Divorce

One of the most frustrating decisions you might have to make in life is to end your marriage. Whether you’ve been with your spouse since high school or you met them later in life, ending a marriage is never easy. It is one of the most difficult discussions you will ever have with your partner. Today, we will provide you with some noteworthy tips on how to tell your spouse you want a divorce so you can plan an appropriate conversation.

Don’t Surprise Your Spouse

For some, avoiding the surprise of such a statement can be impossible. For others, telling your partner, “I want a divorce,” can be straightforward, especially if you have already attended marriage counseling. If you think your spouse is going to be shocked by what you tell them, you need to do so as compassionately as possible. Blindsiding your spouse can lead to anger, fear, denial, and anxiety on the part of your former companion.

Talk When You Are Both Free

You should never discuss divorce on the fly or when you are ready to walk out the door to go to work. You need to set aside time to have a thorough conversation with your spouse about your feelings and how to divorce. The weekend is usually a suitable time for this conversation as you both tend to be home from work or school. This arrangement will allow you to ensure you have plenty of time to have an open, honest, and complete dialogue.

Leave the Details Out of It

Be sure to leave the details out of the conversation when you ask for a divorce. Discussing these details will only upset and anger your spouse more. You shouldn’t talk about alimony, child custody, division of assets or anything else related to the specifics of the divorce. You need to give your spouse plenty of time to understand and digest what you’ve just told them. This period will allow them to process their emotions and ask any questions.

Talk in a Private Place

The discussion of divorce must occur in a private location. Your home is the best option, not somewhere out in public. This undertaking is a private matter for only you and your spouse to take part in until it’s time to tell the rest of your family. At the same time, you shouldn’t have this discussion when your children are home. They should not learn of the divorce in this manner, especially if the two of you will be fighting, screaming, crying, and arguing over what led to the conclusion. Framing the discussion in this manner is an integral part of how to say you want a divorce.

Speak with a Brooklyn Divorce Attorney Today

If you are ready to file for divorce in New York, it’s time to speak to an experienced and skilled family law attorney about your situation. A divorce can take its toll on your emotions, health, and finances. It’s best to have a seasoned attorney represent you throughout the entire process. Call the office of Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. at 718-875-7584 to schedule a free initial consultation with a member of our distinguished team.

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