Co-Parenting During The Summer: Tips & Tricks

Co-parenting with an ex has its challenges, but what is most important is the health, safety, and happiness of the kids. Even if you and your ex didn’t leave things on the best terms, that is in no way your children’s fault and therefore, they shouldn’t have to endure the ramifications of such a situation.
Your children deserve to have both parents in their life and when Summertime hits, your co-parent is going to want to have fun with the kids the same way you do. So, here are some tips and tricks to keep co-parenting civil during the summer.

Enjoy Time to Yourself

Between the divorce and figuring out this whole co-parenting thing is stressful, so when you have the time to yourself, without the kids, enjoy it. After all, your children are in the care of the only other person who loves them as much as you do, so regardless of the tension between the two of you, the safety of your kids is still your ex’s main priority.
So, when you get a chance to take a break and focus on you, there’s no shame in taking advantage of it.

Planning Vacations

Whether you are the one taking the children on vacation, or you are the parent who is staying behind, it is important that you respect the other parent’s wishes. Communication is key in this area of co-parenting and while you don’t want to overburden the parent with the children, you both should have a continual stream of communication before and during the trip.

Here are a few easy tips to remember to make the vacation seamless:

  • Share all safety and contact information.
  • Have a specific itinerary that lets everyone know what the trip entails.
  • Be excited about your child’s experience (after all, this is about them, not you or your relationship).
  • Get signed and notarized consent forms.

Continue as a Family

While you and your ex might have broken up, you are still a family, because you share children. You need to respect this bond, regardless of how you feel about it.
Therefore, if there is anything that is happening during the Summer that is important to your children, make sure you are there, if possible. You both need to show your children that while you might not be together anymore, you are willing to continue as a family.
This means respecting your ex, sharing information with them about games, parties, and plans that are important to your children so that you both remain active in your children’s lives.

Hire a Brooklyn Divorce Attorney

In summation, co-parenting isn’t always simple and straightforward. Often, both parents are tasked with doing something they would rather not do, but if you both do what you believe is best for your children, you are far more likely to make a positive co-parenting decision.
For more information about how to co-parent or to find a divorce lawyer in New York, contact Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. today at 718-875-7584 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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