What You Need To Know About Your Lawyer During A Custody Battle

If you’re involved in a custody battle, and your lawyer is failing to advocate for your needs and rights as a parent, it may be time to seek other legal arrangements. At Brian D. Perskin & Associates, we have experience with custody battles of all kinds – and we fight aggressively for your parental rights. How You Know it’s Time to Switch Lawyers During a Custody Battle
How do you know when you should switch lawyers during a custody battle? Here are a few signs and don’t wait to call us today for a free consultation at (877) 826-7257.

You’re Not Getting the Personal Attention You Deserve

A great divorce attorney will always help you through every step of your case. They’ll give you the personal attention that you need to win your case and come out on top. This is true even during the most vicious child custody battles.
If your lawyer is not helping you through the process, or if they’re not providing you with the information and resources you need to build your case, it may be time to find a new lawyer.

Your Lawyer is Unprofessional or Unreliable

If your lawyer is not conducting their business in a professional manner, then you’re going to want to change as soon as you can. This means they’re failing to submit important documents, fill out legal forms, write letters, or come to depositions and other meetings on time. These are all signs you can benefit from switching to a new lawyer during your custody battle.
This is also true if your lawyer fails to communicate. You should expect your child custody lawyer to be able to respond to your emails, messages, and phone calls in a timely manner. If you constantly have to pester your lawyer for a simple meeting or answer to your question, you should find a new lawyer.

You’re Not Getting the Results You Need

Your children are important to you – and they are important to the spouse who you are divorcing. This is why child custody battles are so bitter, and usually more prolonged and difficult than other steps in the divorce process, such as division of assets and property.
You need a lawyer who will take your needs into account, and fight for what you want. Whether you want joint custody, weekend custody, extended visitation hours, or anything else, your lawyer should be willing to fight for you – tooth and nail.
If your lawyer seems unwilling to push for the best possible results or comes to an inadequate arrangement with opposing counsel and parties, you should get a new lawyer. Custody agreements are hard to change. You want to make sure you get what you want before they are finalized.

Need a Child Custody Lawyer in Brooklyn? Contact us Today!

At the firm of Brian D. Perskin & Associates, we specialize in child custody battles. We have a history of success for our clients, and we would be happy to review your case. Let our team of experienced divorce attorneys handle your case – and get you the results that you deserve! Call us now at 718-875-7584.

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