Make a New Year’s Resolution for Divorce in 2018

With a new year, comes a new you. As we say goodbye to 2017, and usher in 2018, many New Yorkers are making New Year’s resolutions. From getting healthy to finding a new job, we strive to better ourselves each year. For some, they make a New Year’s resolution to get a divorce.
Unfortunately, not many people stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Other things take priority, and the promises we made to ourselves fall to the sidelines. What can you do to make sure your resolution to divorce sticks?

Resolution #1: Make a Timeline

New York divorce actions can take months to finalize, and there is no set timeline for when your case will end. However, there are steps you can take to help keep your case on track:

  • Hire a divorce attorney as soon as possible
  • Use a financial checklist to keep a record of assets
  • Write deadlines on your calendar, and set alerts on your phone
  • Start to compile necessary documents before your case begins

Being organized and diligent during your divorce can make the process faster, less stressful, and may even result in a smaller legal bill.

Resolution #2: Re-evaluate Finances and Update Documents

There are many financial pitfalls associated with divorce, but there are also some hidden benefits. Consulting with a financial adviser, as well as creating a budget and reevaluating your finances can help you throughout your divorce.
An often forgotten, but incredibly important, part of divorce concerns your will and life insurance beneficiaries. Under New York State law, your spouse is entitled to a part of your estate if you pass on before your case is finalized. If you are allowed to do so, change your beneficiaries on life insurance policies and pension plans. (Your Judgment of Divorce may bar you from doing this, so always check with your attorney first!)

Resolution #3: Learn how to Co-Parent

Your divorce will be hard on your children, so learning how to successfully co-parent with your ex is crucial. Divorce is a stressful and confusing time for kids, but you can make it more manageable. Work with your ex to make the transition easier for your children.  Don’t argue in front of them, and encourage your kids to discuss their feelings about the divorce.
Click here for more tips on learning how to co-parent successfully, both during, and after divorce.

Resolution 4: Focus on Yourself

Divorce can take a toll on your emotional and mental wellbeing. It’s easy to get lost in the drama of your case, but you need to make sure you take time to focus on yourself. In order to learn how to thrive after divorce, you must first learn to cope.
Spend time doing something you love. Hang out with friends or close family members. Take a solo weekend trip. Go to the spa, re-do your bedroom, or pick up a new hobby. Rejuvenating your mind and spirit, regardless of how you do it, is great for your divorce.

Hire a Brooklyn Divorce Attorney

Remember: filing for a divorce does not mean that you have failed. It means that you are brave. You recognize that your marriage isn’t working out, and you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your family.
The divorce process in New York is complex. This is why you need to hire an experienced family law attorney to represent you.  The attorneys at Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. specialize in contested divorce and child custody cases, and are ready to advocate on your behalf.
For more information, or to schedule a free consultation, call 718-875-7584 today!

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