Preparing for Divorce: The Top Three Tips You Need to Know

There are a few events in life that require the utmost preparedness. The college application process, changing jobs or careers, and getting married are three that spring easily to mind. Then there is divorce. It may seem counterintuitive to talk about preparing for divorce, but the stark fact is that divorce happens. There were upwards of 787,000 divorces in 2017 alone. You want to be sure you are prepared and protected to the full extent of the law. Learn three important divorce tips below and find out how to prepare for divorce today.  

Organize, Collect, and Double-Check

The first piece of divorce advice we have to give is to make sure you have all the necessary documents. Given the personal nature of divorce, exactly what these documents are will vary case-by-case. There are several ones that you will want to have regardless of the type of divorce you are involved in. These include:   

  • Banking documentsBank accounts, credit card accounts, statements for both, and any joint banking you share with your partner.
  • Tax documents – W-2s, 1099 agreements, pay stubs (electronic or physical), etc.
  • Property records – House titles, any mortgage documents, home equity line of credit statements, etc.
  • Information on your children – We will talk about how to prepare for divorce with children below, but for not it is enough to know that you want to have medical records, report cards, and other documents that can show your children are healthy and happy.  
  • Marital agreementsPrenuptial agreements

preparing for divorce
There are countless other documents you may need while preparing for divorce, but these are enough to get started. 

Focus on Emotional Health

Divorce is perhaps the most emotionally draining process there is. It can lead to fierce resentment, heated arguments, hot tempers, and more. A study from Clinical Psychological Science even linked divorce to depression in certain cases.
 So, number two on our list of divorce tips is to take care of your emotional health.
 What does this look like? Well, it depends on your unique circumstances, but will likely include things like:

  • Working with a therapist
  • Talking to friends and family members who have been through the divorce process
  • Making time for your favorite hobbies
  • Avoiding dating (at least while getting a divorce)
  • Spending time with your children 

When Preparing for Divorce Don’t Forget the Children

Following up on the previous piece of divorce advice, don’t forget about your children. This may sound counterintuitive, but lots of things fall through the cracks during a divorce. Giving your children time, attention, care, and, above all else, love should not be one of them. 
There are countless ways to make sure you are taking care of your children while preparing for divorce. Some of the most effective include: 

  • Talk about your feelings and let them know it is okay to talk about theirs
  • Let them know it is alright to feel a certain way
  • Avoid talking negatively about your ex-spouse
  • Do not use them as messengers 

Hire the Right Divorce Attorney in Manhattan

Now that you know our list of the top three divorce tips, it is time to act. That brings us to our bonus divorce advice – the importance of picking the right attorney. You want a law firm that will fight for you and work tirelessly to make sure you get the outcome you deserve. Also, you want a large team of experienced divorce attorneys. You want Brian D. Perskin & Associates. 
We are New York’s premier divorce firm. Call us today at (718) 875-7584 for a free consultation and you will see why.

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