The Top 7 Winning Divorce Rules

When you are served with divorce papers, there are a few decisions that you are going to have to work out quickly…

  • How will you respond to the accusations in the lawsuit?
  • How will you cope with the possible shame of being divorced?
  • What is the process for choosing a divorce attorney to represent you?
  • What are the financial repercussions involved?

And that’s just the beginning. You also have to keep your children in mind, your own sanity, and the hundreds of other things you could possibly worry about in a divorce proceeding. It can be overwhelming…

NYC Divorce Lawyer | (888) 659-6459

Brian Perskin is a divorce attorney in New York City. Call (888) 659-6459 to speak to an attorney, or click here to contact us.


Do not sabotage your divorce lawsuit before it even begins. The key is to enlist the help of an experienced family law attorney early in the process. Here are 7 factors that you have to consider when facing a divorce in New York.

1) Respond to the divorce lawsuit in time.

As soon as you get served with divorce papers, the clock starts ticking. If you do not meet the Statute of Limitations in responding to the lawsuit in a timely manner, you could be looking at a default judgment which gives your spouse everything they asked for in the divorce. Click here to ask us a question about when and how to respond to your Divorce lawsuit.

2) Control your emotions.

Seriously, do not flip out and do something bordering on insanity. That sounds like a ridiculous statement to make on a lawyer’s website, but you would be surprised to learn how many times someone flying off the handle during a divorce lawsuit has completely tanked their bargaining power (or ended up in jail). Anger and heightened emotions rarely lead to anything positive in a Divorce lawsuit. If you aren’t 100% certain that you can interact with your spouse in a friendly manner, then this is a good time to avoid contact with them. The worst thing you can do in a time like this is pile on charges of domestic violence or another crime that you will regret for the rest of your life. You may want to consider finding a family counselor to help you through this time, especially if there are children involved. Some people tend to turn to alcohol or other drugs during this time. This is never a good answer and should be avoided. It will certainly magnify any issues you may have during your divorce proceeding. Additionally, a drug test can be used against you in any child custody decisions.

3) Consider hiring a divorce lawyer.

A divorce in the State of New York is a complex matter. In general, and especially if there are children involved or the division of valuable assets to consider, the cost of an attorney will be offset by the financial and emotional benefits gained by letting a professional decide how to best handle your case.

4) Do not Facebook!

That is not a misprint. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… all of your social media posts, updates, pictures, and videos can be used against you in the divorce proceeding. Also, your new boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s social media updates can be used against you in the divorce proceeding. It is likely that your spouse’s attorney has already combed through your social media accounts looking for anything that will help their case in the divorce matter, and will continue to do so during the entire divorce proceeding. When you hire your attorney, ask them to advise you on the use of social media.

5) Protect your children.

Children are often inclined to believe that they are responsible for any marital problems that you are experiencing. Sharing your grief with them could have lasting negative effects on their emotional health. It is a good idea to get a licensed counselor involved in this process as soon as possible. Your children will need time to adapt to this new reality, and a counselor can help them work through any emotional trauma they incur.

6) Rein in your spending habits.

Any financial hardships that existed before the divorce will be intensified during the divorce. Now is not the time to go on a buying spree or make that large purchase that you never could get your spouse to agree to. You should consider that there will soon be two households to run on the exact same amount of income.

7) Avoid family violence.

This can’t be overstated. You do not have to accept family violence. If there have been domestic violence issues during the marriage, you can anticipate that they will increase during the divorce. If you have any concern that this will be an issue, then you should get help as soon as possible. Of course, if anything does happen or seems imminent, then you should not hesitate to call the police and report it.


Brain D. Perskin & Associates, P.C. help clients who are facing divorce in the New York City area. Call (888) 659-6459 to speak to an attorney, or click here to contact us. We offer free consultations.

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