David Arquette and Courtney Cox Officially File for Divorce After Separation
David Arquette and Courtney Cox have been separated for quite some time, since October 2010. But David just filed the papers this week, starting the process of making it official. Apparently, the couple is on great terms, which will be helpful when it comes to raising their daughter.
In fact, unlike many divorced couples, David and Courtney claim to be good friends with each other. They did claim irreconcilable differences as the reason for the divorce, so apparently they get along well as friends but not as a couple in a relationship. They were married for 13 years, which is partly why their separation came as a shock in 2010.
So far, David has asked for joint physical and legal custody of their daughter. This means that she will likely not only live with him part of the time, but he will also have a say in major decisions in her life that involve school, religion, and other important details. In this way, it is good that he and Courtney get along so well since this should make it easier to co-parent, which is something many divorced couples struggle with when they have joint custody.
David has not asked for alimony or child support from Courtney. It is unknown if he plans to or would even be entitled to it, but what is known is that he is representing himself. Though the divorce seems amicable and fairly simple so far, there is no way to know if this attitude will continue, which is why most people are advised to hire a lawyer. You never know when an uncontested divorce will suddenly become contested and therefore more complicated.
David reportedly had the divorce papers in his possession for three months before he finally turned them in. It is not known why he was stalling on making the divorce final. Courtney has mentioned in the past that they had tried marriage counseling before in an attempt to save the marriage, but they seemed to always be rehashing the same arguments. If you ever feel like this, and marriage counseling has not worked so far, you should talk to a New York divorce lawyer for advice.
At Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C., we have represented couples of all types. No matter how long you have been married, and no matter how many assets you have, we can advise you on how to proceed. You should never feel like you have to face this legal process alone, without the help of a lawyer. In fact, doing so is not advised if you want to keep many of your assets and have the best chance of getting child custody. Come to our firm today to find out more about how we can help.