Why Practicing Self-Care is Essential During a Divorce

Divorce can be devastating. After years of marriage, you may suddenly find yourself thrust into a new reality which may seem alien.  Because of the messy and stressful nature of divorce, it is essential that you practice self-care. What is “self-care?” simply put, self-care is taking care of yourself. Pretty straightforward, right? It can be by taking up exercise, reading, or maybe taking that pottery class you’ve been wanting to take, but haven’t had the time. Self-care means doing what is right for you, your body, and your mind. Here’s why practicing self-care is essential during divorce – and a few tips on how to do it yourself.

self-care and divorceThe Importance of Self-Care

So, why is practicing self-care so essential? Well, put bluntly, it’s because getting through a divorce alone is difficult.  Sure, you may try to cope by yourself, but the chances are you need someone to talk with and to help. You may hire a lawyer or maybe even a financial advisor to help you with the issues of the actual divorce proceedings themselves, but this probably won’t address your emotional and psychological trauma.

Tips for Practicing Self-Care

A great way to practice self-care is to create a network of support around yourself. Find the people you know, love and trust and use them as the team you can rely on to help you through this tough stretch. Whether it is someone who is a good listener, someone who is great at taking your mind off of everything you are going through for a while, or even just someone who has been through a divorce before and can relate to you, a support network is self-love through group effort. And for those who are full of negativity, doubt, and fear? Trust us – you don’t need them in your life.

Another excellent tip for practicing self-care is trying to take things is doable chunks. Everything about divorce has the potential to overwhelm you. It may fill you with dread and make you think there is no way you can get through it all. By taking everything in brief spurts of time, you can condense life into manageable bits and pieces. Sure, it may seem like a lot to get through, but if you take it second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day – you’ll be surprised how much you can take. Be brave – you’ve got this.

Hire a Manhattan Divorce Attorney Today

Divorce is never an easy decision. This, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be done amicably. While filing for divorce can be a difficult decision, choosing the right attorney doesn’t have to be. Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. is one of the most trusted names in New York when it comes to divorce. Brian and his experienced team are aggressive, intelligent, strategic – and most importantly, compassionate. They work diligently with clients and customize representation strategies to fit individual needs. So if you’re looking for a divorce attorney who will fight for you, call Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. today at 718-875-7584 for your free consultation, and learn why we’re New York’s premier divorce law firm.

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