Dealing With Your Spouse’s Affair

Most people go into a marriage believing that they would never be the victim of an affair. While for some people, infidelity is not a deal-breaker, for others, it can be the cause of an immediate divorce. For certain individuals, they don’t care about reasons or excuses. For them, cheating means divorce.
However, if you are an individual that considers other factors, such as finances and children when considering divorce after infidelity, you’re not alone. There are many things to think about after a spouse cheats and you should not feel pressured by friends or family to immediately divorce them.
spouses affair


The first thing you should do following a spouse cheating is consider the past and current quality of the marriage. If you feel as though your marriage has been on the rocks for years, cheating may have been the final tipping point in your relationship. And, it may be reason for divorce. However, if your marriage was in a good state prior to the affair, you may have other things to consider prior to divorce.


affairThere are two types of recovery following an affair which include personal recovery and marriage recovery. Personal recovery is exactly what it sounds like. It means taking time for yourself and healing from the pain of a spouse cheating. Personal recovery is more than just “getting over it”; it includes allowing yourself to have hurt feelings and working through them.
On the other hand, marriage recovery is not exactly what it sounds like. This type of recovery means changing your marriage after infidelity and working through the problems that caused the spouse to change in the first place. If all you do after the affair is move on and go back to normal in the relationship, your marriage will continue to be toxic. You also need to decide if the marriage is worth working through and putting in the effort to save. If not, considering a divorce is a viable option.


While this is a question that can only be answered on an individual basis, many people find that they can never fully trust their spouse again following an affair. If you feel as though you will have trust issues for the rest of the relationship, contacting an experienced divorce attorney can help. Lawyers that specialize in divorce and family law can weigh your options and help you work through it.


Divorce is never an easy decision. This, however, doesn’t mean it can’t be done amicably. While filing for divorce can be a difficult decision, choosing the right attorney doesn’t have to be. Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. is one of the most trusted names in New York when it comes to divorce. Brian and his experienced team are aggressive, intelligent and strategic. They work diligently with clients and customize representation strategies to fit individual needs. So if you’re looking for a divorce attorney who will fight for you, call Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. today at 1 (718) 875-7584 for your free consultation, and learn why we’re New York’s premier divorce law firm.

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