Top 5 Reasons You May Get Divorced

Statistics show that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Why is this? Are small habits and annoyances to blame, or is it something big that causes couples to get divorced? While the exact cause for divorce varies, here, we discuss the Top 5 reasons couples call it quits:

Financial Issues

Money impacts every part of your life, especially your marriage. Issues surrounding income, marital debt, and spending habits, can cause major headaches. A strong marriage needs to have a solid foundation, and having the same money goals as your spouse is a crucial part of that foundation.


It should come as no surprise that infidelity is a common reason why couples get divorced. Extramarital affairs put a lot of stress on a relationship, and destroy the trust couples have for each other. Divorce papers often follow an affair.

Lack of Communication

Not being able to communicate well with your spouse can lead to divorce. Constant disagreements and bickering can lead to miscommunication- or a breakdown of communication all together. This can create a lot of tension in your relationship.

Addictive Behaviors

Addiction often results divorce, and we’re not just talking about substance abuse problems. Addiction can manifest in a variety of ways, including in your work, and in your desire to maintain a certain image or lifestyle. Some addictions are so strong that they become the focal point of your relationship, and will lead to divorce.


Sometimes, regardless of how much your love your spouse, the two of you just aren’t compatible. While this is unfortunate, it is common. Differences surround religion, the desire to start a family, or where you want to live, can result in a marital breakdown. Getting divorced because of incompatibility doesn’t mean you don’t love your spouse. It just means that the two of you care enough about the other to let them have a chance at true happiness.

Hire a Brooklyn Divorce Attorney

Hiring a family law attorney to represent you during a divorce is always recommended. Retaining a lawyer has tremendous benefits, regardless of the reason why you want to file for divorce. Because of how complicated the process is, and it is far too risky to try to represent yourself.
The law firm of Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C. has helped thousands of New Yorkers navigate their divorce and family law cases. We strongly believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to divorce. This is why our attorneys off free, no obligation, consultations for all NYC residents. Call us at 718-875-7584 to speak to one of our dedicated professionals today!

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